DVD Deep Half Guard Killer by Bill Cooper

DVD Deep Half Guard Killer by Bill Cooper

27,98 €
39,98 €
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Bill "the grill" Cooper - one of the finest American BJJ black belts also has the unique distinction of being the most experienced man on the planet on dealing with the Deep Half Guard as his long time friend and training partner is the one and only Jeff Glover aka inventor/re-inventor of the Deep Half Guard.
In this DVD, Bill will show you all of his tried and true methods of dealing the weapon that is the Deep Half Guard! Cooper will show you 12 solid ways to pass the guard or submit your opponent when he has you in the Deep Half. No longer will you have to worry about being swept! Your opponents will soon learn that you are the guy who they should not pull Deep Half on.
As a bonus, Bill shares his favorite open guard and butterfly passes. These are Bill's tournament tested guard passes that he has used time and time again both in the academy and at competitions across the country.
Deep Half Guard Killer
1 Intro
2 Kimura crucifix pass to kimura
3 Wyatt Herb pass
4 Getting the hidden arm
5 Inside roll to shaolin
6 Outside roll to shaolin
7 Sonic the hedgehog to shaolin
8 Arm drag to the back
9 Sushi roll to guillotine
10 Forward roll to armdrag to the back
11 Armbar
12 Macho man pass

Favorite Guard Passes
1 Boogie board pass
2 Steering wheel pass
3 Kimura pass to side
4 Kimura pass to back
5 Cooper Tire pass
6 Knee slide kimura to the back
7 Wool & Weave pass
8 Redrag pass to the back
9 Pencil pass
10 Leapfrog pass to the mount
Formatti: DVD NTSC
Kieli: English
Julkaisu pvm: July 2011
Muu info: All region DVD


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DVD Deep Half Guard Killer by Bill Cooper

27,98 €
39,98 €
Säästä 30%
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