DVD Killer Butterfly & Human Crucifix 3 DVD Set by Nino Schembri

DVD Killer Butterfly & Human Crucifix 3 DVD Set by Nino Schembri

508,60 NOK
726,57 NOK
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Turku / Päävarasto
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Aina innovativinen Nino Schembri nähdään nyt 3:lla DVD:llä, jotka
sisältävät lopetuksia krusifiksistä ja butterfly sweeps.  

Disc 1: Getting to the Attack Position
In this DVD, Nino shows you how to fluidly transition from the sitting up
guard to the crucifix. Whether your opponent is pushing in, stalling, or
trying to pass your guard, you will learn 8 different ways to move -
depending on your opponent's reaction - from defense to the attack
position. Most of these transitions appear on DVD for the first time.
Bonus training footage also included.

Disc 2: Submissions
Now that you know how to get to the attack position, Elvis shows you 10
innovative submissions to surprise and tap your opponent. Nino will show
you subs you couldn't even imagine like the americana and kimura from
the crucifix, rolling triangle crucifix, full nelson neck crank, and more!
Bonus training footage also included.

Disc 3: Sweeps
Nino finishes off the set with 9 unique sweeps to put your opponent on his
back and put you on top. Wherever your partner moves you'll have an
answer for it after learning these innovative sweeps. As a bonus, Nino
shows you his stretching routine to help you develop a flexible guard. 

Opi Ninon uudet tekniikat ja nosta painitaitosi uudelle tasolle!
Nino "Elvis" Schembri (1974 -): Brasilialainen Jiu-jitsu maailmanmestari,
ADCC veteraani ja aktiivinen MMA ottelija, Nino on arvostettu maailmanlaajuisesti
ja on yksi parhaimmista ottelijoista. Aina uudistaja, Nino on ainutlaatuinen
ottelija. Hän sai mustan vyön Carlos Gracie Jr:tä ja myöhemmin meni
harjoittelemaan Chute Boxe:n. Nyt riippumaton, Nino jatkaa harjoittelua ja
innovoi hänen Jiu-jitsuaan Rio de Janeirossa, Brasiliassa.

Formaatti:      DVD NTSC
kielet:              English, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean
Julkasupäivä:  Kesäkuu 2008 
Muu info:       All region DVD

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DVD Killer Butterfly & Human Crucifix 3 DVD Set by Nino Schembri

508,60 NOK
726,57 NOK
Säästä 30%
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